Georgia Association of Democratic County Chairs, Inc.


As approved February 25, 2005

Article I-Name

The name of the organization shall be the Georgia Association of Democratic County Chairs, Inc.

Article II-Purpose

The purpose of this Association shall be to promote and encourage communication and the exchange of ideas among the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the various Democratic Party County Committees in the State of Georgia and to assist in furthering and promoting the objectives of the Democratic Party at the local, state and national levels.

Article III-Membership

Section 1. Membership in this Association shall consist of the Chair and one (1) Vice-Chair of each Democratic County Committee in the State that is recognized by the Democratic Party of Georgia. Membership shall become effective upon receipt of annual dues. There are no non-voting memberships. In any vote of the Association, one vote will be cast per member County, either by the County Chair or his/her designee.

Section 2a. The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on January 1 and end on December 30 of each year.

Section 2b. The amount of the annual dues shall be payable at the beginning of the fiscal year. The full amount includes both Chair and Vice-Chair and is payable regardless of whether one or both from each county participate. The President may waive payment of dues for the first year of a newly formed committee.

Section 2c. Dues may be changed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at any meeting where a majority of the Board is present. Such change shall not take effect until the beginning of the next fiscal year.

Section 3. The County Chair and the Vice-Chair may each designate any of their County Committee officers to serve as his or her proxy at any meeting or function of the Association. A sample proxy is attached herewith.

Article IV-Meetings

Section 1. This Association shall meet no less than two (2) times annually, spring and fall, at a time and place to be determined by the President. The Board of Directors shall meet no less than annually as determined by the President. Thirty (30) days notice shall be given the membership of the Association and the Board of their respective meetings. Notice may be given electronically when an e-mail address has been provided by the member(s).

Section 2. Each Director shall hold a meeting with the County Chairs in his or her Congressional District at least annually and may hold meetings more frequently if deemed necessary by the Director of the District or at the request of a County Chair. The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, the Immediate Past-President, the Parliamentarian and the Congressional District Chair shall be invited to attend each annual Congressional District meeting.

Section 3. The President of the Association and/or the State Democratic Party Chair may call meetings of the Association.

Article V-Officers

The Officers shall be:

a. The President;

b. The Vice-President;

c. The Secretary;

d. The Treasurer;

e. The Parliamentarian;

f. The Immediate Past-President.

Article VI-Duties & Terms of Office

Section 1. The President shall:

a. Call meetings and preside at such;

b. Appoint a Parliamentarian;

c. Be responsible, along with the Treasurer, for the funds of the Association;

d. Represent the Association in Party affairs and in other matters pertaining to the Association;

e. Serve on the State Democratic Executive Committee;

f. Create and appoint committees with the consent of the Board of Directors.

Section 2. The Vice-President shall:

a. Assist the President;

b. Perform all the duties of the President in his/her absence.

Section 3. The Secretary shall:

a. Be custodian of all records of the Association;

b. Record and maintain the official minutes of each meeting and distribute them to members as soon as possible following meetings. Minutes may be transmitted electronically where an e-mail addresss has been provided by members;

c. Upon leaving office, transfer all records to the new Secretary.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall:

a. Be responsible, together with the President, for all funds of the Association and report regularly at meetings;

b. Maintain a complete and current list of all members and make it available to the Secretary at each meeting;

c. Have an audit of the financial condition of the Association by qualified examiners within sixty (60) days after the beginning of the fiscal year. The audit shall be conducted in substantial compliance with standard accounting procedures;

d. Transfer complete records to date to the new Treasurer within thirty (30) days of leaving office.

Section 5. The Parliamentarian shall advise the presiding officer with regard to parliamentary procedure of Association meetings.

Section 6. The Immediate Past-President shall serve in an advisory capacity to the President and the Board of Directors.

Article VII-Election of Officers

Section 1. The Board of Directors shall appoint a Nominating Committee at the spring meeting in even-numbered years.

a. The first order of business of the Nominating Committee shall be to elect its chairperson.

b. The Nominating Committee shall furnish a slate of nominess for each Officer and Director position to each member of the Association no less than two (2) weeks before the fall meeting.

c. Elections shall take place in the fall of every even-numbered year. The terms of office shall begin on January 1 following the election. A consent-to-serve form shall be submitted by each nominee. A sample form is attached herewith.

d. All officers shall be elected for a two-year term. No officer may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.

Section 2. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the office and serve out the remaining term. The office of Vice-President shall be filled by the Board of Directors at the next official meeting. Thirty (30) days notice of such meeting shall be given the Board.

Section 3. All other vacancies shall be filled by appointment of an acting Officer by the President. An election to fill the office shall take place at the next official meeting. Thirty (30) days notice shall be given the membership before such an election.

Section 4. A vacancy in the office of Parliamentarian shall be filled by appointment by the President.

Section 5. A vacancy in the office of the Immediate Past-President shall remain unfilled until the current President succeeds to the office.

Article VIII-Board of Directors

Section 1. There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the Officers and one (1) Director from each Congressional District of Georgia.

Section 2. Nominees for the Board must be currently serving as Chair or Vice-Chair of their respective County Committee. In the event that a Director ceases to serve as County Chair or Vice-Chair, or is appointed or elected as Congressional District Chair for the State Democratic Party, the position on the Association Board shall be declared vacant immediately.

Section 3. Directors shall be elected for a two-year term. Elections shall take place at the same time and place as the election of officers. In the event of a vacancy of a position on the Board, the President shall fill the position by temporary appointment pending confirmation at the next official meeting of the Association.

Section 4. Duties of Directors are to:

a. Assist the Officers of the Association in their responsibilities;

b. Serve as liaison between the Officers and the County Chairs in their respective regions;

c. Stimulate Democratic Party activity within their Districts by offering assistance to their County Committees.

d. Assist in formulating policy for the Association.

Article IX-Staff Support

Staff support for the Georgia Association of Democratic County Chairs, Inc. is provided by the Democratic Party of Georgia.

Article X-Parliamentary Procedure

Unless otherwise provided for in these Bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order, as most recently revised, shall govern the conduct of all meetings of the Association.

Article XI-Removal for Cause

Section 1. Officers or Members of the Association may be removed for cause by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors provided there is a 50% quorum. The thirty (30) day notice provision of Article IV applies. Cause may include:

a. The endorsement of, support of, or contribution to a candidate of another party.

b. Failure to perform the designated duties of office.

c. Conduct or circumstances which reflect discredit or disrepute upon the Party.

d. Public disclaimer of Party affiliation.

e. Intentional misrepresentation of positions or policies of the Party.

f. Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude or which otherwise reflects discredit or disrepute upon the Party.

g. Any violation of these Bylaws.

Section 2. The person to be removed shall have the right to written notice, at least ten (10) days before a hearing on said charges before the full Board of Directors, of the reasons for removal and the names of all persons who will testify in suport of charges against him/her.

Section 3. The person to be removed shall have the right to counsel and to present all witnesses, and arguments in support of his/her position.


These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Association by three-fifths vote of those present. The thirty (30) day notice provision of Article IV applies.

Sample Proxy

I, ____________________, do hereby appoint ______________________to act as my proxy at the _____________meeting of the Georgia Association of Democratic County Chairs, Inc., to vote in all matters in which I could vote were I personally present.

Name________________________________ Date_____________________

Consent To Serve

I, ________________________, of _________________________County of the______
Congressional District of Georgia do hereby consent to serve if elected to the office of ____________ of the Georgia Association of Democratic County Chairs, Inc.

Name____________________________ Date___________________